How To Tell If An Online High School Is A Good Fit For Your Kid

9 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog


COVID-19 made everyone in the world slow down and stay at home with each other. While many kids are starting to go back to school rather than learning online, it may not be in the best interest of your high schooler to step back into a traditional classroom. Luckily, there are alternative online high school programs that may interest both you and your child. 

What Are Online High School Programs? 

Typically, online high school programs are either run by the school district or by some third party that has high school accreditation. During online school, your child will simply log into an online learning account and do work remotely. For instance, they may have a bunch of math problems that they can do online, and then for English, they may have to read a book and then submit an essay on the book virtually. 

Are They Given Enough Support? 

Online high school programs aren't for everyone. If your child needs a bit more direction and handholding, then one of these programs may not be best suited for them. While they will have access to teachers and instructors, online high schools are more ideal for students who are a bit more independent and who are able to guide themselves through a lot of classes. For instance, your child will have to get themselves to login everyday and to complete the tasks on their own without a teacher standing over their shoulder to get them to do it. 

Who Is An Online High School Ideal For? 

An Accelerated Learner

If your child is an accelerated learner and they finish things a lot quicker, then it may be doing them a disservice to sit in a classroom all day and not be challenged. By learning online, they can go at a faster pace and get things done in a time frame that's more suitable for them. 

A Child Who Works or Is In Sports

If your child is in the performing arts or is in really competitive sports, then they may want to spend much of their weekdays doing those things rather than in a classroom. Online learning gives them the flexibility to log in at night or even on the weekends to complete work so that they can spend their time and energy focusing elsewhere. 

They Are Ill

If your child is critically ill and is hospitalized frequently, then they may fall behind on school a lot. By enrolling them in an online program, they may better be able to stay on top of their school work. 

To learn more about online high school options, contact a local education professional.